Report generated at: 2001-02-20 11:06:58
general information summary tables user groups detailed charts
General load test overview

Project: TecIt-Barcode
Load test: 1635 None
Load test date: 20.02.2001 11:00:39
Duration of simulation: 00:02:20
Agents: 1
Users: 10
Active Users

This chart shows the overall number of active virtual users. A virtual user is considered as active if the user has started and is currently in one of the following states: executing, wait DB, document downloading, and thinktime.

number of concurrent users:

The number of SilkPerformer transactions per second.

number of transactions:
average number of transactions/sec:

This chart shows the number of API errors per second, including Internet, database, and middleware APIs. A problem is considered an error if its severity is defined as "error" or worse, that is, of higher severity ("transaction exit" or "process exit"). A problem is ignored if its severity is defined as "informational" or "warning".

number of errors:

Throughput / Concurrency

The amount of data sent to and received from the server; this includes header and body content information, all TCP/IP-related traffic (HTTP, native TCP/IP, IIOP, POP3, SMTP, FTP, and LDAP), and secure traffic over SSL/TLS. This measurement does not include data overhead caused by SSL/TLS encryption.
Request data sent
Response data received

average throughput[kb]/sec:
Http Hits

The number of HTTP requests that arrive at the Web server.

number of hits:
average number of hits/sec:
Response Times - Transactions
Trans. ok[s]

The response time for successful transactions, in seconds. A transaction response time is reported in this type of measurement if all API function calls within the transaction succeed.

standard deviation[s]:
Response Times - Page Timers
Page time[s]

The time it takes a virtual user to download a Web page from the server, in seconds. Response times for Web pages are subdivided into server-busy times, document-downloading times, and round-trip times.

average page time[s]:
average document downloading time[s]:
average server busy time[s]:

general information summary tables user groups detailed charts
The Summary tables contain summarized measurements on a global level. They contain measurement types that aggregate individual measurements from other measurement groups as well as measurement types that represent information on a global level that is not included in other measurement groups.
Summary General
Name Sum 1/sec 1/min 1/h
Transactions 50 0.36 21.43 1,286
Errors 0 0.00 0.00 0
Summary Internet
Name Sum 1/sec 1/min 1/h
Request data sent[kb] 450 3.21 192.86 11,571
Response data received[kb] 4,370 31.21 1,872.86 112,371
Requests sent 1,400 10.00 600.00 36,000
Requests failed 0 0.00 0.00 0
Responses received 1,400 10.00 600.00 36,000
Responses failed 0 0.00 0.00 0
Connects successful 160 1.14 68.57 4,114
Connects failed 0 0.00 0.00 0
Connects retries 0 0.00 0.00 0
Summary Web
Name Sum 1/sec 1/min 1/h
Http redirections 40 0.29 17.14 1,029
Http re-authentications 0 0.00 0.00 0
Http hits 1,400 10.00 600.00 36,000
Http pages 160 1.14 68.57 4,114
Http cookies received 40 0.29 17.14 1,029
Http cookies sent 1,280 9.14 548.57 32,914
Hits failed 0 0.00 0.00 0
Http cache hits 3,760 26.86 1,611.43 96,686
Http cache cond. reloads 0 0.00 0.00 0
Http 1xx responses 0 0.00 0.00 0
Http 2xx responses 1,360 9.71 582.86 34,971
Http 3xx responses 40 0.29 17.14 1,029
Http 4xx responses 0 0.00 0.00 0
Http 5xx responses 0 0.00 0.00 0
Http request retries 0 0.00 0.00 0

general information summary tables user groups detailed charts
The user group section provides detailed tabular results about transactions, individual timers and counters, and interface dependent timers and counters for WEB, database, IIOP, Tuxedo, COM on a per user group level. In addition all API errors, and warnings for each user group are listed.

Time bound histograms
Bound175.15% < 1
Bound293.88% < 2

In this histogram, response time measurements are grouped into three categories:
Green: The percentage of response times shorter than the value for time bound 1.
Yellow: The percentage of response times longer than the value for time bound 1, but shorter than the value for time bound 2.
Red: The percentage of response times longer than the value for time bound 2.
In the example above,
75% of the response times are shorter than time bound 1, these response times may be considered fully satisfactory;
19% of the response times are between time bound 1 and time bound 2, these response times may be considered slightly problematic, but still acceptable;
6% of the response times are longer than time bound 2, these response times have to be considered seriously problematic.
You can set the default time bounds for response time measurements via the user interface: From the SilkPerformer menu bar, select Settings/Active Profile. In the ensuing dialog, click the Replay category, and then the Results icon. In the Timer statistics area of the General tab, specify the time bounds, in 1/100 seconds. Additionally, you can set time bounds individually in your test script by calling the MeasureSetBound function.

Response time breakdown histograms
average page time[s]3.30
average document download time[s]2.77
average server busy time[s]1.21

In this histogram, response times for Web pages are subdivided into server-busy times, document-downloading times, and round-trip times. Response times for Web forms are subdivided into server-busy times and round-trip times.

In the example, the histogram illustrates that the server busy time makes up 36% (1.21/3.30) of the overall Web page response time. The document downloading-time makes up 84% (2.77/3.30) of the overall response time.
The transactions measurement group contains response time information about transactions. For each transaction defined in your load test script, a group of measurements is created; the name of the transaction is used as the key for the measurements. The histogram enables you to easily check whether or not the transactions response times meet the response time requirements.

Name Count Measured Total Min Avg Max StdDev Bound1 Bound2 Histogram

#Overall Response Time#
Trans. ok[s] 50 50 1,304.120 0.000 26.082 37.224 13.141 20.00%<1 20.00%<2

Trans. ok[s] 10 10 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 100.00%<1 100.00%<2

Trans. ok[s] 40 40 1,304.120 28.481 32.603 37.224 1.806 0.00%<1 0.00%<2

Web forms
The Web form measurement group contains measurements related to Web forms declared in the load-testing script. The Web form measurement group provides response time measurements and throughput rates for form submissions with the POST, GET, and HEAD methods. For each form declared in the test script, a measurement group is created; the name of the form is used as the key to the measurement group created.

Name Count Measured Total Min Avg Max StdDev Bound1 Bound2 Histogram

response time breakdown (network / server)
Round trip time [s] 40 40 150.317 0.871 3.758 4.967 0.840 100.00%<8 100.00%<16
Server busy time[s] 40 40 33.123 0.210 0.828 1.292 0.250 77.50%<1 100.00%<2
Hits 40 40 40.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000      
Request data sent[kb] 40 40 18.745 0.466 0.469 0.470 0.001      
Response data received[kb] 40 40 413.652 10.330 10.341 10.346 0.000      

Page timers
The page timer measurements group contains measurements related to Web pages that are downloaded by a virtual user. For each Web page that is downloaded, a measurement group is created; the title of the Web page is used as the key to the measurement group created.

Name Count Measured Total Min Avg Max StdDev Bound1 Bound2 Histogram

#Overall Response Time#
response time breakdown (server / document / page)
Page time[s] 160 160 1,303.940 1.051 8.150 17.525 5.005 50.00%<8 96.88%<16
Document download time[s] 160 160 1,044.533 0.871 6.528 13.138 3.705 36.88%<4 52.50%<8
Server busy time[s] 160 160 356.347 0.210 2.227 7.630 1.683 43.75%<1 49.38%<2

Bar Code Spielwiese: Demonstration der serverseitigen Barcode Generierung mit T
response time breakdown (server / document / page)
Page time[s] 40 40 157.620 1.051 3.941 5.067 0.790 100.00%<8 100.00%<16
Document download time[s] 40 40 150.317 0.871 3.758 4.967 0.840 52.50%<4 100.00%<8
Server busy time[s] 40 40 33.123 0.210 0.828 1.292 0.250 77.50%<1 100.00%<2

Barcode Software (ActiveX, DLL, SAP R/3, Host-Solutions)
response time breakdown (server / document / page)
Page time[s] 40 40 459.902 9.174 11.498 13.269 0.922 0.00%<8 100.00%<16
Document download time[s] 40 40 415.215 8.382 10.380 11.917 0.805 0.00%<4 0.00%<8
Server busy time[s] 40 40 178.240 3.076 4.456 5.498 0.563 0.00%<1 0.00%<2

Barcode Software, ActiveX, SAP R/3, DLL (VB,VC,C++), Label & Form Printing, Str
response time breakdown (server / document / page)
Page time[s] 40 40 574.461 12.568 14.362 17.525 1.325 0.00%<8 87.50%<16
Document download time[s] 40 40 389.631 6.869 9.741 13.138 1.242 0.00%<4 10.00%<8
Server busy time[s] 40 40 119.543 2.314 2.989 7.630 0.815 0.00%<1 0.00%<2

Barcode Software, barcode activex, OCX, Label, DLL, Code39, Code128, UPC, EAN,
response time breakdown (server / document / page)
Page time[s] 40 40 111.957 1.833 2.799 6.499 0.901 100.00%<8 100.00%<16
Document download time[s] 40 40 89.370 1.232 2.234 5.748 0.863 95.00%<4 100.00%<8
Server busy time[s] 40 40 25.441 0.231 0.636 3.615 0.499 97.50%<1 97.50%<2

general information summary tables user groups detailed charts
Detailed chart view of the load test results
Active Users





Transaction ok response time

Page time